Jesse & Joann Houghton

Proud Owners of The Cigar Shack
Mobile Cigar Lounge

It was Joann who came up with the idea for the mobile lounge a few years ago. “We both sort of laughed it off and never gave it another thought until about five years ago.

In late 2018 they located the airstream in Alabama, bought it, towed it back and began to work on the remodel. Then life threw in a couple of curve balls, (one of which was a world wide pandemic), so it just sat in storage until late winter/early Spring of 2022. With a lot of hard work, late nights & weekends, it finally became a reality in May of 2022 and they couldn’t be happier with the decision.

Jesse is originally from central Illinois, moved away for several years, then returned to be closer to family. Joann was born and raised in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. They met online several years ago, got married and Joann moved north to call Illinois home.

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